HR Challenges in a Digital World: Hybrid work is 在这里 to stay - Part 3 of 3


Eric Lechelard, 人力资源主管, shares his experience on the importance of offering hybrid work to recruit and retain talent.


I hope you’ve had a chance to read my previous blogs in this three-part series. 如果没有,你可以点击查看博客1, 今天的新常态要求新的工作方式,博客2; 重新思考招聘和工作场所福利.

在这个博客中, we’ll continue to look at how hybrid working is evolving and transforming organisations at the Human Resources level in terms of recruitment, 人才保留和员工敬业度.


如今,在人力资源面试中,混合型工作一直是一个话题. 作为人力资源团队的一员, we understand it is essential to offer candidates a real digital workspace to ensure success in a hybrid environment. It's not just a question of HR competitiveness or employer brand competitiveness, 这是关于在招聘的世界里生存. 这就是我们在工作约会中看到的,顺便说一下, 如果你不熟悉, 快速面试类似于速配约会吗. 你有15分钟的时间来展示你的组织, 你必须把它做好, 否则人们不会留下来. 工作时间, 假期, 在家中上班, 协作工具, access to social media — these are topics common to almost all candidates during interviews.

If I had to rate the importance of hybrid working on a scale from one to 10, 从人力资源的角度, 我想你可以把光标放在8. Young candidates and employees expect a holistic approach to the workplace rather than a traditional Taylorist view that breaks work down into separated work elements. At ALE, we measure success by results, while monitoring the workload, and providing autonomy.


Offering an attractive and efficient digital workspace is an important component for recruiting and retaining employees, and 在这里's a concrete example of how it is unfolded at ALE in France: An agreement on social dialogue was signed with the social partners. The agreement stated that the means of social dialogue would be switched to "all digital". 我们放弃了电子邮件,转而使用 阿尔卡特朗讯企业版彩虹™, and digital display areas are being made available instead of posters in offices.

If we want candidates who join the company to participate in social dialogue, 为了保持吸引力,我们必须考虑到他们的期望. 这涉及到几个目标. The first is to become as ‘paperless’ as possible and replace manual processes with digital efficiency. 这意味着必须能够远程访问尽可能多的信息, 无论员工在哪里, 在我们三个法国办事处中的一个, 或其他地方. 第二部分是混合式工作,主题是 本系列的第一篇博客. 这包括pc到pc和pc到电话的通信. 而pc对pc运行得很好, pc转电话的情况就不一样了, and it’s not easy for all companies to manage the coexistence of these two environments. 为人力资源, it is important to bear in mind that t在这里 should be no additional stress for employees linked to the tools made available to them, 不管他们是在办公室还是在家. While ALE is considered a pioneer in the use of 'as a Service' communication tools and services accessible from the cloud, 对许多公司来说,这还远远不够. Our role as a provider of enterprise communications and collaboration solutions is to offer a single digital point that enables employees to collaborate from anyw在这里. 对我们来说,这个数字点是 彩虹, which works perfectly with the computer, the office phone or the mobile, of course.

Check out all the blogs in our series, “HR Challenges in a Digital World”:



3 Recommendations from Eric Lechelard, 人力资源主管, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, France


Eric Lechelard

Director, Human Resources, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise International - France

拥有超过20年的电信和IT经验, and five years as Human Resources Director of the ALE International 法国 entity, Eric Lechelard is responsible for supporting all teams in the ALE International group strategic transformation.

Eric’s expertise in professional services and customer services (customer care) has provided him with a variety of opportunities in the services industry, including 管理 of the professional services teams for Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. 他领导了预售工作, 设计, 体系结构, and 24-7 operations activities of all communications and network solutions for a strategic customer; a large US-based hospital group. 他还负责ALE全球客户支持活动, prior to being named Director of ALE International’s Human Resources team.

除了电信和网络工程学位, 埃里克接受过服务和销售方面的培训, and obtained a Master 2 in Human Resources Management at the IAE of Caen in 2017.





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现代化的校园网有助于简化运营, 降低成本, 并为工作和学习提供了一个安全和关怀的地方.

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